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Sohar recent comments:

  • VALE PALLETISATION PLANT, Al (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    It's a pellet plant not pallet plant.
  • VALE PALLETISATION PLANT, Al (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Vale Pelletization Plant
  • Sohar Beach Bakery & StoresLLC, soharbeachbakery wrote 12 years ago:
  • Palm Gardens, Radhakrishnan Pallath (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    RK Sohar Residence
  • Sohar Palace, صحاري (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    قابوس الكلب
  • منزل الشيخ كاظم-بقلم احمد المردغان, أبوفيصل (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    منزل سعادة الشيخ كاظم بن عبدالله العجمي
  • Apartment 10, joe calpito jr (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    i stayed there in Magan too for 2 years.
  • Sohar City Center Site Location, irfan asghar (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I like this
  • Pranav Prakash Ajgaonkar - OLD Resident, pranavaj wrote 13 years ago:
  • Pranav Prakash Ajgaonkar - Resident, pranavaj wrote 13 years ago:
  • الطريف - صحار, طريق البحار (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    طريق ابوظبي
  • College of Applied Sciences, Sohar, yui (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Higher Education College of Applied Sciences – Sohar Mobile Phone Write By:Ali Hassan Alfarsi ID:2009299139 world count:855 A mobile phone or mobile is known by different names such as hand phone, cellphone, wireless phone, cell phone, cell, cellular phone, cellular telephone, cell telephone or mobile telephone(1). It is an electronic device which uses for mobile telecommunication. Some people use it for communication with other people or use it to important things such as, to communicate with world. So, I have written some points about mobile phone to be familiar with, what is the mobile phone, where is it invent, how many people use mobile phone in the world and how many numbers of mobile phone that companies produce it? Mobile phone is digital call communications network that used in the world. Over 100 million mobile phones in use and that show that by the year 2002 there will be 300 million mobile phones. Mobile phone was designed by people in Europe, so the first people use it in the world are Europeans people. The mobile phone has some software and some applications such as, SMS text messaging. The first SMS text message was sent from a computer to a mobile phone in 1992 in the UK. But the first person who sent to other person from phone to phone was sent in Finland in 1993. Mobile phone needs battery to function and it needs to small card called SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) and its size approximately is same as the size of a small postage stamp. Also, the SIM card places under the battery and we can provide the mobile phone by the memory that we can save and store many things such as pictures, notes, music tones.People around our world use mobile phone for different purposes. For example, some of them use it to communicate with others such as their friends and parents but they do not aware about the appropriate time for calling. So some of them use their mobile phone when they are driving in the road, so they do not concentrate to the cars in front of them because they are busy with their calling. Moreover, nowadays, there are many students whose ages are between 10 to 15 and study at primary or secondary schools that have mobile phones. Some of those students have bad friends who use their mobile phone for wrong uses. As a result, they lose their ethics and they become immoral people in their society. Also, they become careless about their study and they will fail year after year. There are many different disadvantages of using mobile phone in our life. For instance, some people, especially the teenagers use mobile phone for listening songs or for chatting when they are in the beds at late night. This is a dangerous problem because their brains will become more tired and get some disease. Because of the mobile phone emits dangerous waves on the nervous cells so, the brain will be more confused and they could not save information easily in their memories. Also ,there are many advantages such as You can carry a mobile phone with you so you don't miss important calls and You can listen to music and view text(2). Indeed, despite those disadvantages of mobile phone such as some people get accidents by using it while driving in the road and there are some students have mobile phone with a sex pictures and videos and as a result they become immoral and they do not care about their study. Mobile phone is very essential and useful to us in our modern life. For example, we use the mobile phone to communicate with others such as friends and parents we will be far away from them. Furthermore, when you have mobile phone you can save your life. For example, you can call for help if you need it such as if you have accident you can call police or your relatives for quick help by using mobile phone. Interview I meet my uncle son. He have mobile phone shop. Ali: how are you? khalil: I am fine .what about you? Ali: I am fine too,thanks khalil: how I can help you Ali: My doctor want from me interview about mobile phone so I come to you to help me. I will ask you and answer for me please. khalil: ok start Ali:What is the best type of company of mobile phone now? khalil: I think galaxy is the best because people now more want it. Ali: If I want to bought mobile phone what is the prefer? khalil: If you want to use internet galaxy and iphone is the best,but If you want to use chatting BlackBerry is the best Ali: Do you know some advantages and Disadvantages of mobile phone? khalil: It is best way to communicate between people ,also it is include games,sounds,photo and program such as navigation Ali: ok this is advantages what about disadvantages? khalil: I dont have background about this sorry Ali: No problems thanks khalil.see you latter khalil: ok see you
  • Morocco Beaches Coffe Shop, abdulaziz (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    plz contact me 99436823 best
  • Al-Juma Market, Kharitah wrote 13 years ago:
    Friday market is a market that is selling in it in the morning, and sold the vegetables, livestock and livestock feedand also some traditional materials
  • Sohar, أم حنين (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Bull Fighting Arena, Princess94 wrote 13 years ago:
    unfortunately ...
  • Sohar Ashapura Chemical, Anil Yadav (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Sohar Ashapura Chemicals
  • بيت و مزرعة المرحوم السيد قحطان بن يعرب بن قحطان البوسعيدي\عبدالله, bnt albosa3id (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Allah yr7mh inshallah ;(
  • Green Oasis Hotel, mark elias (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    try it once and you ll be back for sure friendly people with a coozy atmospher
  • Yarmouk Team Sports Stadium, الشلية (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    أن اليرموك من أحسن الملاعب في صحار وهو من أفضل الملاعب الذي ينجب اللعيبة مثل أحمد الحواري واللاعب الملقب بالحديديى ومحمد علي وهم قاتلو في سبيل فوز الفريق